Health in Tech — My Journey from Sedentary to Active lifestyle

Mohak Puri
3 min readMay 29, 2024


Working in the tech industry(startups) for the past six years has been both rewarding and challenging. The fast-paced nature of this industry demands constant learning and adaptation, leaving very little room for physical activity. Over time, this lifestyle began to take a toll on my health. I noticed that I had gained significant weight, my posture was poor, and I often experienced back pain. Poor dietary habits like reliance on fast food, skipping meals, and excessive alcohol/caffeine consumption was equally responsible. It became evident that the lack of physical movement and poor food choices was adversely affecting my overall well-being.

For a long time, I fell into the common trap of believing that I was simply too busy to prioritise my health. In my mind, work was paramount. The thought of carving out time for exercise seemed impossible. I rationalised my sedentary lifestyle by telling myself that I would get to it eventually, perhaps when things calmed down. The turning point came when I finally acknowledged that being busy was not the real issue — it was about priorities.

I had been prioritising my work above everything else.

This realisation forced me to re-evaluate how I allocated my time. I understood that prioritising my health didn’t mean neglecting my work; rather, it meant integrating wellness into my daily routine to enhance my overall productivity and well-being. In essence, it was never about being too busy. It was about recognising that my health deserved a place at the top of my priority list. Once I made that shift in perspective, everything else began to fall into place.

Lifestyle Changes

  • 1 Hour of Weight Training, 5 Days a Week: I committed to a regular exercise routine, dedicating one hour each day, five days a week, to weight training. This not only improved my physical strength and endurance but also boosted my energy levels and mental clarity. I have been doing this for over a year and three months now.
  • No Junk Food — Home Cooked Meals Only: I eliminated junk food from my diet and focused on eating home-cooked meals (Thanks to my mother). I prioritised a protein-rich diet, incorporating eggs, chicken, and other lean proteins. This ensured I had the necessary nutrients to support muscle growth and overall health, while also keeping me full and satisfied.
  • No Alcohol/Pepsi: I decided to cut out alcohol entirely and have maintained this for over a year. This change helped improve my sleep quality, increased my energy levels, and supported my overall health and fitness goals.
  • Drinking Enough Water: I made sure to stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day.

Pros and Cons


  • Discipline and Consistency: Committing to a regular exercise routine of weight training five days a week for over a year and three months has instilled discipline and consistency in my life. By showing up to the gym consistently, I’ve cultivated a habit of discipline that extends beyond just fitness. (Thanks to my brother for forcing me join gym.)
  • Better Physical Health: Regular exercise and a protein-rich, home-cooked diet have enhanced my physical strength, stamina, and overall health.
  • Improved Mental Health: Lower dependence on caffeine and eliminating alcohol have contributed to better sleep, reduced stress levels, and improved mental clarity and focus.


  • Social Challenges: While some people understand my health-focused choices, explaining why I abstain from alcohol or avoid junk food can be challenging in social settings. It sometimes leads to feelings of isolation or misunderstanding, especially during social events. However, the understanding and support of close friends and family make it easier to stay committed to my lifestyle changes.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of prioritising my health far outweigh the drawbacks. The positive changes in my physical and mental well-being have empowered me to live a more balanced life.

Health is Wealth. Stay healthy and work hard. 🤞



Mohak Puri

Engineering @INDmoney | ex GO-JEK | GSoC 2018 @openMF | Mobile | Backend | mohak1712 everywhere