Adding UI automation test to our CI pipeline

Mohak Puri
2 min readJul 17, 2021


We have a Ruby on Rails web server that renders a bunch of web pages. Since we did not have any automation around our UI, testing was very painful. Every change would involve manually testing all the flows. We had to make sure that along with our changes everything else was also working as expected.

One of the many pages. Language is Bahasa

So we decide to add some UI tests to our CI pipeline using selenium and cucumber. This is what the setup looks like

sample ci stage

All you need is —

  1. Ruby image to run the test cases (this may vary depending on the language your automation tests are written in)
  2. Official selenium image present on docker hub as a service. We use GitLab CI so syntax might be different for you
  3. Install cucumber. (Gemfile contains all the required dependencies)

That’s it! we are done with the setup. Here is a sample feature along with the scenario.

Feature: Withdrawal

Scenario: Should show incorrect pin error
Given I initiate a new withdrawal
When I enter incorrect pin
Then I am shown incorrect pin error

A sample test case when you enter an incorrect pin would look like this

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, url: "http://selenium:4444/wd/hub", desired_capabilities: :chromeThen("I am shown incorrect pin error") do
submit_button = driver.find_element(:id => "submit")
.send_keys :enter
sleep 2 #wait for api response
= driver.find_element(:xpath => "/html/body/div/div/div/div/div[2]/form/div/div[2]/span")
expect(error_element.attribute("innerHTML").strip).to eq("PIN yang kamu masukkan salah. Silakan coba lagi.")

We verify that the error attribute is shown with the expected content every time the user enters an incorrect pin.

To run the test all you need to do is run cucumber -f pretty -f html -o report.html

CI pipeline for every Merge Request

In case of failures, it is important for a dev to know what went wrong. So every job run creates an artifact that can be downloaded.

Sample failure cucumber report

That’s about it! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the article.

You can also follow me on Medium and Github. 🙂



Mohak Puri

Engineering @INDmoney | ex GO-JEK | GSoC 2018 @openMF | Mobile | Backend | mohak1712 everywhere